The DuckTail teachers work to develop children in five specific areas: spiritual, emotional, social, academic and physical. Spiritual development comes through daily devotions that teach morals and values and the children are encouraged to memorize simple Bible verses. The teachers help the children handle their emotions appropriately and talk through difficult situations. Social skills are developed by encouraging the children to empathize with others and to help friends in need. Because preschoolers learn primarily through play, academic goals that prepare the children for kindergarten are presented in a manner that meets their developmental needs. Classroom activities include projects, stories, cooking, science, math and field trips. Finally, self-help skills are further developed by learning to go to the bathroom by themselves, getting dressed and washing their hands and face, as well as being responsible for themselves and their interaction with their peers and the environment. We use the Creative Curriculum as the framework to base their curriculum on as well as on-going assessment of the children to provide what they need individually.