National association for the education of Young Children
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is the nation’s foremost organization for early childhood professionals. Through extensive research, they have documented the criteria for high-quality early childhood education. Programs have to meet the highest standards of:
Preparation and Support
Community Relations
Physical Environment
Leadership and Management
Health and Safety
Staff Competencies
TLC ELC is committed to these high standards and has been accredited by NAEYC since 1992, one of the longest continually-accredited programs in the state of Minnesota.
Parent Aware
Parent Aware is Minnesota’s quality rating system that is designed to recognize programs that prepare children for school. Research has shown that the educational experiences children have during the first five years of life will shape their success in school. It evaluates:
Teaching and Relationships with Children
Relationships with Families
Assessment and Planning for Each Individual Child
Health and Well-being
The ultimate goal of these practices is individualized teaching and learning for every child. Minnesota’s Parent Aware system is a star system with 4 stars being the highest ranking. TLC ELC is a 4-Star Parent Aware Program.